Whenever the challenge is, we have already won!

    Contact us

Newen Group: between technology and your specifics, for projecting, together, innovative solutions.

A team of experts next to you for designing technical solutions aligned with state-of-the-art.

BU-Industry was born from industrial customers’ needs. Newen experts, thanks to their technical-sales skills, let not only the greatest companies, but also medium-small ones, approach worldwide state-of-the-art technologies.

Newen experts will make you available their know-how and their partners’ support since first design-in step. Once studied and designed the ideal solution, we’ll guarantee the best implementation thanks our global partners’ big product portfolio (e.g. Marquardt, Globtek, Kober and BMZ). Then, thanks to Newen customizations, every single Italian company will be able to have each specific solution the nearest as possible to the ideal ones.

Newen supports its partners during mass-production thanks to its flexible stock.

The project’s final solution will be the first B2B partnership’s milestone. Only in this way we’ll be, together, the leading actors of our future.

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